Sunday 9 September 2012

GAD 252 & 253

This is GAD for Saturday - 252

And this is GAD for Sunday so GAD 253

As you can see I am really using up BITS of yarn that are in the bottom of my basket from the odd colours that I am using in these recent squares

So here are GADs for the Weekend
Friday, Saturday & Sunday


  1. Hi!
    I've been reading your blog for the past couple of days, and the Granny A Day thing has really interested me. I just recently learned how to make them and now I absolutely love them!! To join in on the Granny A Day, do you have to start at the beginning of the year, or can you just join in whenever? Is there a certain place to sign up, so to speak?

    1. Hi Kaleigh, Glad you like the idea and welcome on board! I am so pleased that you are learning to CROCHET - you'll never regret it. Just join in GAD as and when you want too - there's no signing up to do , no catching up to do - just work at your own pace! We still have over 100 days of this year to go so if you want to start from now, 100 squares will make a pretty good blanket by the end of the year & then you can start again in Jan 2013 OR you can just start from today p.s. you can make anything that you like from the squares you make - I just like to make a large blanket but others see RAVELRY group have made lots of other things!
      Ali x (aka MAC)

    2. Thanks! You're very helpful. :)
      I'm going to start tomorrow! I haven't decided if I'll keep going or start over when January rolls around. I'll most likely just start over. We'll just see what my squares look like!


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!