Tuesday 4 September 2012

GAD 247

The weekend is over and I have had a lovely day off in the lovely weather today

I actually got lots and lots done including, upgrading my phone to an iPhone at long last - it arrives next week so I am very excited, cooking a lovely dinner & just "pottering" after a very, very busy weekend.

So today is GAD 247 and here it is!

I hope that everyone is keeping up with their GAD's

I know that my blanket is looking FAB
I might even do the same next year but in a colour scheme
Mmmm now there's an idea


  1. GAD blanket looking great! I am still crocheting away on my rainbow ripple blanket. It takes 45 minutes to do a full row, so the whole of my free time is measured out in ripple rows! Natalie.

  2. I thought it was you as I started to read this comment! Well done for keeping with it. Yes a row of my Ripples Blanket takes about 30 to 35 minutes. I haven't worked on mine for ages but the beauty is that it's always there if I don't fancy starting another project! Take Care Natalie x


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!