Tuesday 3 July 2012

Fish & Fingers

The white fish is called Fish and the orange one is called Fingers

So today's GAD 185 is dedicated to the arrival of Fish & Fingers on my 
3rd July


  1. Happy Birthday for yesterday Ali, love from the other Ali (Shaftesbury)

    1. Thank you so much Ali from Shaftesbury!! That's kind of you to stop by and comment. Hope to see you again soon. Ali x

  2. Happy Birthday for Tuesday :) Were the fish a birthday present? I'm catching up with a weeks worth of blog, so love the Sunflowers! They are going to look so effective.

  3. Happy Birthday for Tuesday :) Were the fish a birthday present? I'm catching up with a weeks worth of blog, so love the Sunflowers! They are going to look so effective.

    1. Sorry for the late reply Beth, Yes they were a present for my birthday - how wonderful is that? Thanks re: sunflowers - I have only managed the 1 so far - too much to do in the new house at the mo!!


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!