Wednesday 27 June 2012

Sunshine Award & GAD 179

A few days ago I've received a Sunshine Award! Olga from There where is Soleil. Thank you Olga!

Now for the rules.....

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you;
2. Answer 10 questions about your favourite things;
3. Nominate 10 further blogs to receive the Sunshine Award and let them know they've been nominated.

My answers:
 1. Favourite animal. Cat;
 2. Favourite number. 3
3. Favourite non alcoholic drink.  Tea
4. Facebook or Twitter. Twitter
5. My passion. I love to crochet - do you need ask?
6. Getting or giving.  Actually I love both equally
7. Favourite pattern.  Anything Crochet!
8. Favourite day of the week. Anyday
9. Favourite flower. I love Gerbera's
10. Favourite country. India - I love it there - been there 4 times now

Now I have to nominate crochet Bloggers to get this award, however 10 is a tall order so here are the ones that I think deserve this award.....

In no particular order these go to:

1 comment:

Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!