Sunday 24 June 2012

Granny A Day 175 & 176

Granny A Day 175 & 176 were made together today as I ran out of time yesterday as I had such a full on busy day here in the countryside village that I now live in, in Dorset!

There is always SO much to do here on top of the fact that we have taken on a HUGE house to renovate, there is also day to day life, a grumpy dog who is off his food and won't take his tablets and a stubborn husband who moved so many heavy boxes on Thursday that his Sciatica has returned with a vengeance so I am having to give him massages every few hours!

So my respite today was to make this lovely PINK GAD which I am dedicating to the little Pink Princess who lives next door but one - she is lovely, I am her new best mate and she loves PINK!

In contrast GAD is this rather plain cream square which I think looks just great against the many multi coloured squares that I have made recently.

1 comment:

  1. You are keeping at it, good for you! I'm still behind on numbers but slowly catching up.


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