Saturday 16 June 2012

Granny A Day 168

Is this rather bright little number....

....on this a dull day today

However there was a little non Crochet drama today!

As I was walking home from my dog walk this morning, I noticed what I thought was a log - a large log or fallen tree trunk in the farmers field next door to where I live.  Then I saw that the twigs were moving and realised that it was a sheep in distress, so I went to the door of the farm and told them.

I saw, from my Crochet  Room window a few moments later, one of the farmers going into the field and turning the sheep upright!

An hour or so later they came to thank me, telling me that the sheep would have died if left on it's back, and gave me a bunch of flowers!

1 comment:

  1. I've met sheep like this before - when we've been so far from anywhere that the only thing to do was for Hubby to wade in and up-right the poor animal himself. Welcome to the countryside!


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