Friday 18 May 2012

Two WIP's now finished and GAD 139

 WIP #1

This Gorgeous Summer Top is made of 100% Cotton in Cream / Ivory
 so would go with any colour cami top warn underneath

This top is available FOR SALE for £80
(please contact me if you are interested or go to the For Sale Tab at the top of this page)

And will fit up to a size 14 / 34inch bust 

All lovingly hand made

And I am thrilled with how fantastic it looks!

WIP #2

This is my Cardigan A Long project

This fantastic Summer Cardigan is also made from 100% cotton 
Again it's made in Cream / Ivory

Sadly this is NOT for sale

As I want to wear it myself!

It's going to be well worn this Summer!

Now for Granny A Day 139

I pulled these yarns from my basket and put them on my desk

As I was going to delve deeper into the basket  

To pull out some colours from the bottom, but then I thought

Why not use these colours?

So I did and here is 

GAD 139

Only another 227 to go!


  1. Love the two cardigans :D

    1. Thanks Beth, I rarely make garments but these have both turned out very well & I am thrilled with them.


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!