Tuesday 29 May 2012

Granny A Day 150 & Tunisian Crochet

Granny A Day 150 is this rather lovely colour combination of 
A Deep Pink Centre
A Bright Yellow 2nd row
A Dull but still attractive Grey 
Rounded off with a vibrant Orange!
These are all odd colours from my Yarn Scraps basket

Due to my move and therefore clear out of stuff from my Crochet Room I have the space to lay my 
Granny A Day Blanket
of 150 Granny Squares to date
on the floor to photograph it

I love it!

After yesterday's rather brilliant Filofax Cover, which is now in pride of place on my Filofax, which I use a lot, I have gone back to adding a few more rows on my Tunisian Crochet Scarf

As you can see, it's getting thinner the more rows I add.  I must be missing a few stitches here and there as I go, but it's good practice!

I will probably DC in traditional crochet, all around the edge, once its finished to give it a nicer look & I can't wait to wear it.

It's another good way to use up odd balls of wool and yarn.


  1. I would love to make one like this. I have some granny squares already but I still haven't figured out what to make out of them. I also wonder if I could make a Tunisian dress. First I need a Tunisian hook.

    1. Hello Eve, thanks for your comment. Granny Squares are so versatile that I am sure you will find a great idea to turn your Granny Squares into. LOL Yes, you will need a Tunisian or Afghan hook if you want to make a dress from Tunisian Crochet! Ali


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!