Saturday 26 May 2012

Granny A Day 147

This is Granny A Day 147
The colours are just pulled from the Yarn Stash basket 
at random
and I even had to use 2 shades of Brown
I love the result of this random colour pick

Now back to packing boxes and shredding paper

Oh I must tell you about my paper shredding!  I have, no, I will correct that to HAD bank statements from the year 1999 so thought that I would get rid of them all, apart from the last years worth and shred them.

So I have sat here for hours with my shredder, which keeps on stopping because it gets hot, shredding away
& I have filled 2 bin liners full of shredded paper!

However here's the genius bit

I have used the shreddings to pack out my boxes with, instead of scrunching up paper!

Ingenious I hear you say

Indeed it is!

I knew there was a point to saving all those bank statements!

Ta - Dah

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