Wednesday 2 May 2012

Granny A Day 123 - WIP - Crochet Class & more!

 Granny A Day started of with a bit of a yarn scrap calculation error

So I had to start again 

I have better success 2nd time around

And managed to finish one off with yarn scraps but with any further calculation errors

GAD 123

After taking a very good Crochet Class this morning, which involved my "Crochet Cardigan Along" with C, which went really quickly as we sat crocheting and chatting away the whole time - it was really lovely & C even text me afterwards to say 
"Thank you for a lovely 2 hours"
How sweet is that?

I wanted to continue with the cardigan along this afternoon as we have agreed to get to a certain point before her next lesson but I fancied a change from Trebles, so it's always good to have a few projects on the go as you can chop and change around to suit your mood and I always find that if you crochet what YOU want to be working on then you work a lot happier!

So I chose to join a few more motifs on the Summer Top

I pencilled out all the motifs as I went along so I didn't loose my place

There does seem to be a gap in the middle to the left but that can soon be rectified if I make another little motif - but I may not have to do that yet - I will see what it's like when it's finished.

Now - to brighten my day further, one of my other pupils sent me a picture of a blanket that she' made for her sister's sister in law

Isn't it GREAT?

When she came to me for Crochet Lessons, her ambition was to learn how to crochet giant granny squares - that's exactly what I taught her and with 2 lots of 2 hour lessons she's done exactly what she dreamed of doing.
I think it's MARVELLOUS
Well done YOU - you know who you are!

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