Friday 11 May 2012

Cardigan News and GAD 132

Cardigan News

This is the stage that I blogged up to yesterday and I voiced my concerns about the length that this sleeve would turn out if I followed the pattern to the written word.
My guestimate is that it would end up a good 5 inches longer than my arm!

I know that I have followed the right size i.e. to fit my body as 
(A) I measured me
(B) I measured another cardigan that I thought would be of a similar fit 
(C) I tried the body of the cardigan on and it's fine

So after sleeping on it I decided to do this:

I put on a cardigan this morning and once I was happy with the sleeve length, I took it of and measured it and then measured it against the work in progress.

As you can see from the photo above the WIP sleeve measures approx 16 inches and not the 19 and 3/4 inches that the pattern recommends.

I then added the top shaping but I followed the smaller size for rows, so only adding 2 repeats and not 3 of the stated rows.

I then decided to soldier on and see how the sleeve fitted to the body, so making sure that I had the right side facing me, I attached one to the other with stitch markers
*Perfect Fit*

It was going to work! Hooray

So I got my needle out and started to join

(The body is to the left and the sleeve to the right of the photo above)

Ta Dah!

Please note that there is edging to add so what you see above is not the "finished" article

I was right to query the pattern and I have made notes of my adjustments so that I can make the same sleeve for the right arm

I am really liking this cardigan so far and I know that I will get a lot of wear out of it!

I am so pleased that I have done this in advance of my Cardigan A Long pupil arriving next Wednesday!

My only problem now, is that I am likely to run out of yarn very soon as I am waiting for it to arrive at the wool shop!

Next is Granny A Day 132

Here it is in full "orange"
I decided to go for a change and made Sunshine Lace which is Square 64 from the book

And here are all 132 squares

My blanket is now 11 squares by 12

And I just about managed to get them all in the photo!

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