Tuesday 3 April 2012

GAD # 94 plus Crochet AND Sewing lessons!

This is GAD # 94 - look rather "regal" doesn't it, with the Red, White & Blue?

Now do you remember the little bag I made not long ago?

Well one of my pupils wanted to make one too
and it was good homework for  her to do as it uses the join as you go method
And look what she brought in today!

 I love the colour combination she's used of Grey & Burgundy.

So today we put in a lining together - she's never used a sewing machine before and here she is, carefully sewing the lining together

Once we made sure it fitted corrected, she attached the lining to the bag

She made a really good job of it too!

I also showed her how to make the buttons

And she sewed these in too, so her crochet lesson turned into a sewing lesson today.

She text me when she got home to say "Hi, I really enjoyed lesson this morning. Thanks so much for helping me with the lining...."

Now for lesson #2 today

Do you remember that 2 weeks ago, my pupil set me homework?
Well today (she couldn't make it last week as she was ill) we continued the WIP

The homework was to make all 12 squares and join them (this is for the base of the cardigan) and today we progressed to the first 2 rows, which will form the body of the pattern

And here it is so far!

As you can see from the picture above, my tension is a lot looser than my pupils and she is quite mad with herself for crocheting so tightly.  As I keep on telling her, this will come with time and we did try the base of the "cardigan" around her body and it was fine, so it will end well.


  1. I would love to know how to make those bags too.
    Actually the picture is up to day 97...I couldn't stop without finishing a row. From now on I will be posting progress every other week.

  2. Marsha if you go to crochetspot.com you can find the pattern on there!


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