Thursday 22 March 2012

Granny A Day # 82 - Spring Sunshine Granny Square - Free Tutorial

Today was a beautifully SUNNY day and I felt as though Spring has really Sprung and that this IS a time for new beginnings and new hope.

So I decided to make a little "quirk" in my Granny Square
to commemorate such a Sunny day full of HOPE

So here it is

I made the Sun in the middle
The Green is the Grass 
The Blue Frame is the Sky

This is my Spring Sunshine Granny Square & I would like to share it with you so that the joy of Spring and the Hope that it brings with it is with you all.....

I started my Granny Square of with a flat round.

Chain 4 & join with a slip stitch to form a ring
Chain 3 (counts as one treble)
11 Trebles all into the ring
join with a slip stitch  into the 3rd chain or the 3 chain you made at the start (so you have 12 tr's in total)

Chain 3 (counts as one treble)
Now put another treble into the same space as the chain
you will have a little "V" shape as you have made 2 stitches into one stitch from the row below.
Continue to put 2 trebles into each treble from the row below (row 1)
You will have 24 trebles  in total.
Remember to join with a slip stitch into the 3rd chain (as above)

Now change colour if you want to

3 chain, then 2 trebles, 3 chains and 3 trebles to form your 1st corner.
1 chain
now miss 2 stitches and put 3 trebles into the next stitch
1 chain
now miss 2 stitches and then 3 trebles, 3 chains and 3 trebles into the next stitch
1 chain 
Repeat this sequence all the way around until Row 3 is finished.

Change colour if you want to.

On the final row, simply put a corner (3 trebles, 3 chains, 3 trebles) into the corner below
(if you are not changing colour then simply slip stitch across to the 3 chain corner space)
1 chain
3 trebles into the one chain space (from the row below)
1 chain
3 trebles into the one chain space (from the row below)
1 chain
make another corner as above into the corner space of the row below and repeat this all the way around until you meet the start!

** Happy Spring **

You've just made my Spring Sunshine Granny Square!

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