Sunday 18 March 2012

Granny a Day # 78 and more WIP

Granny a day #78 is a combination of soft lime green, a sky blue, vivid pink and a final frame of the soft green.  Unfortunately the photo does NOT do the colours justice as it really does look quite wonderful in "real" life

Now for my WIP which I haven't picked up for a few days.
I thought that I would try to en capture the complexity of the delicateness of the "operation" on camera

As you can see from the picture above, the joining of the motifs is really a labour of love.
I am using a very fine hook - I think it's 1.5mm
I have included a regular sized pencil in the picture to give you an idea of the scale I am working with.

So after all that information, today I managed to join a few more motifs to the already accomplished work of art, and I am pleased with progress so far.

Here you are looking at the front of the top with the neckline quite apparent.
(I hope)

Until tomorrow, take care and keep crocheting!

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Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!