Monday 12 March 2012

Granny A Day #72 & More WIP

Granny A Day #72 is a lovely colourful one as it was a lovely sunny and colourful day today

Now for my WIP

As you know I have completed all the motifs for the top
Now I just have to join them together

It's a very long and laborious task as
(A) there are no actual instructions on how to join them 
(B) it's really fiddly work! 

This is the pattern that you have to follow

So it'really isn't that clear as to which motif attaches to which
so I am trying to get ideas from the model in the photo
and trying to do what I think is right too!

Fingers crossed as it's hard to undo once it's all been knotted and then sewn in too.

More tomorrow!
Thanks for stopping by

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