Saturday 24 March 2012

84 Granny Squares made and Ripple Crochet Blanket!

84 Granny Squares to day and here is number 84

I seem to be making a lot of yellow centers at the moment - maybe it's because of the unusually sunny weather we are having here in the UK at the moment?

Now that I have finished my homework motifs, I needed something to keep me occupied, something that I could pick up and put down, pick up again, put down, blah, blah, blah, without a complicated pattern to follow, so I picked up my "special" yarn basket
which is full of very YUMMY colours

Like Olive, Candyfloss, Wisteria and Plum (to name but a few)

And half a hour of umming and ahhing later, a decision was made!



I have recently taught a pupil how to achieve this effect, so I thought that this was the ideal choice!

I started with the BubbleGum Pink, then went on the Olive, then Sky Blue, followed by Lavender and my husbands choice for row 5 was Lipstick Red!

I am really enjoying make the Crochet Ripple Blanket and I look forward to working on it some more when I next have some "Crochet Time"

(that sounds like "Chicco Time" LOL)


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!