Sunday 26 February 2012

Day #57 & Week 9 Begins!

Day 57 and Week 9 is here already!

You may have noticed from the GAD Gallery that I am now adding in squares, or pictures of, weekly rather than daily.
This is not because others are not keeping up to date with GAD, 
but rather because some are having difficulties with uploading photo's on various Social Networking sites like Twitter.

Anyway, I firmly believe the the other squares are either there or in the making, so I will continue as founder of GAD 2012 to do my best to add what I can when I can not only from my own GAD but from others as and when pictures become available.

Due to a rather busy Sunday with allotment duties and Out Laws coming for dinner, I decided on a plain GAD square today

It's plain in as much as I didn't change colour but the colour did change within the wool itself!

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