Saturday 18 February 2012

Day 49 + Fantastic Bag made by a Student & more!!

The first picture is the "and more"
Yes, my Student JC has started on this wonderful star blanket to use up the yarns that she bought for the fantastic Ripple Blanket that she made and brought in to show me last week.
If you missed that then go back to last Saturday's post.

Now, again last Saturday in class, we started on the bag and this is it finished and lined.
All that was left to do was to join the handles

So after a couple of practice runs to make sure that the stitching looked ok

JC joined the handles one by one using a Double Crochet Stitch

That incorporated the handle at the same time.
Above is the picture of the inside

And below is the picture from the outside - how neat is that? 

Now it has a real professional finish and we both love the way it's turned out.
All JC has to do now is to darn in the ends.

Those Bamboo handles are a perfect match for that Chunky Cream yarn

(please note the "essential" cup of coffee lurking to the top left of the picture)

And my crochet news from today is.......

.....taking a few scraps of wool from my ever grown wool / yarn stash

I made it into Granny A Day 49

And this was all that I had left over

So not a bad use of the quantities that I initially had to work with.

Well done JC I love that bag and can't wait to see it once the ribbon arrives.

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