Thursday 16 February 2012

Day 47 - Buttons & Bags!

Yes Buttons!! Aren't they just FAB?
I ordered them from eBaY only yesterday

And they arrived today.
I was only going to get some flower ones to add to my current Bunting Project
But then I saw the hearts
and mine melted!!

Do you remember the bag I started last weekend?

 Well the ribbon arrived earlier in the week - again from EbAy
(can you tell I don't like "shopping")

Isn't it lovely and shiny?

It really helps to "lift" the bag

and also from EbaY
arrived today too

Was the magnetic clasp

I had to unpick a little of the stitching on each side, put the clasp in place and then get my faithful old Singer Sewing Machine out again to repair the damage.
You wouldn't know it now though as I have made a very good job of it
even if I do say so myself!

Last but not least is GAD 47

Only one more square to go to "fill the gap"

I will have to CHEAT this weekend and make 3 extra squares as I will be away in Norfolk for Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday of next week and I am banned from Crochet when I am on holidays or mini breaks or vacations or long weekends away - basically if I am not residing at home I can't crochet - house rules!


  1. Those buttons are fabulous Ali. And I love the handbag. It looks very smart.

    1. Thanks Gwen, I was so pleased when I found the buttons on EbaY. I must be careful not to get addicted to button buying!! LOL. Going to take a look at your blog now :0) x


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