Tuesday 7 February 2012

Day #38 - Crochet Classes, Granny A Day & a Mouse!

I am going to start today's Blog Post with my Crochet Class from today.
"L" came in with these BRILLIANT Granny Squares
All with colour changes
All perfectly made, so much so that it was hard to tell the front from the back!
She even blocked them!

We went on to explore different methods of joining squares together
& here she is mastering the art of Joining as you Go

Can you see what she's working on?

Yes it's my Granny A Day 38 - I had such faith in her that I let her use my treasured GAD Blanket to practice on and I am very pleased with the result!

 Next is my Twitter message - A follower sent me a message, asking me to help her solve a pattern problem from a link on the web.

This is the link

However when I saw the picture of the finished item I just had to make one for myself!

My little mouse in now on the blocking board having his feet and arms straightened.  
I didn't dare post a picture of that as I might get reported to the RSPCA!!

Oh yes and I did reply to the message and hopefully cleared up the pattern reading problem.
To be fair it wasn't very easy to decipher as it was written in another language and translated with Google Chrome! 

And finally, in case you missed it earlier, I was awarded this Award today thanks to 


  1. Your squares are really adding up. Was finally able to sit down and make 4 squares last night. Slowly catching up and will photograph them to add to the linkup soon.

  2. Thank you again for the award. :) Your student is doing an amazing job!!! Congrats to her!!! And of course her teacher!!! Love the mouse too. How cute.
    Have a great day,

  3. Tracey you are most welcome. You are a FAB crocheter and very dedicated too so you deserve it. Yes mouse is very cute. Hope you have a great day too!


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!