Thursday 2 February 2012

Day #33 GAD & Project Finished!!

Do you remember this top I had started the other day?
It's from the Cotton Crochet (SIRDAR) Pattern Book

Well I have finished mine!!

I love it!!
I made a few more rows than the pattern advised as I wanted it to be more of a Beach Top / Cover Up than a T-Shirt and I have to face facts - if I had a body like the model in the picture I would have made it shorter !! 
I think I mentioned that I made this from Rowan Cotton Tape and not the recommended SIRDAR Luxury Soft Cotton DK - however there are more patterns in the book, so I might head to the wool shop tomorrow and get some in, so I can make another one this weekend!

What else did I do today?

Well I made sure that my Crochet Class Page is up to date
& I added this picture to the page and also to my 
Crochet Class Website

And of course I made GAD No.33 in plain white.  I was writing out a new pamphlet for my Crochet Classes on Making A Plain Granny & I wanted to check and double check the pattern, so I followed than and out came No. 33

And here are all 33 Squares together.


  1. I like that top. I'd be inclined to make the sleeves a bit longer, perhaps three-quarter length, and then wear it over brightly coloured long sleeved t-shirts/jumpers so you'd get winter wear out of it as well.

  2. Thanks Mrs J - the sleeves do come up quite long once on and I have to block it out yet. I might even make another one and as you suggest, make the sleeves that little bit longer!

  3. Lovely top!! And your granny blanket is looking marvellous too!!

  4. That top is lovely, you finished it so quickly too! Crochet gold star :D

  5. thank you Renee - It worked up very quickly and once i got the hang of the pattern it got quicker & easier to do!
    Thanks for the Gold Star - it's my first one!!

  6. The top is just beautiful Ali. How talented!


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