Tuesday 31 January 2012

The Last day of Jan 2012 - Day 31 - Hearts, Class & a new project

I finished making the hearts in all the colours that I had available in StyleCraft Special DK, so 17 hearts in all. Now I have to decide what to do with them!

The next excitement of the day was a group of 2 Crochet Class.
Last week I taught L how to make a granny square
this was what she brought in for me today!
She has worked REALLY hard so her practice HAS made PERFECT

Today I taught her how to change colours in a Granny Square
Hasn't she done marvellously well?

Now this is from my other lady who had a problem starting several squares from the Jan Eaton 200 Crochet Blocks Book (see the Amazon poster in the top right if you want to order this fantastic book - my favourite!!) 
She did ever so well & with a little help she has conquered her "understanding that pattern" block that she seemed to have had since I saw her at her last lesson.


 I cheated today with GAD No. 31 as I made this in class as I was helping L to colour change.

I have also started another project or WIP

I rarely make clothes but I really like this pattern.  I will probably make it longer in the body (it starts at the yoke) so that it will be more of a beach cover over thingy topy thing (sorry) and I am using Cotton Tape by Rowan rather than the suggested DK cotton yarn but the Tension Gauge came up ok so I should be ok.

Well thank you January 2012 you've been eventful and I am so pleased that GAD 2012 has been so popular so far!

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