Wednesday 25 January 2012

Day #25 Granny A Day, Poncho Update & Baby Blanket Gifted

Granny A Day No. 25

Hello fellow Crocheter's - well I presume you are if you are reading this blog!!??!!
Anyway I do hope you are all well?  
I must say that I am really excited whenever I take a look at my blog at the Feedjit Section and see the Country Flags that are clocking up - Recently there has been Egypt (I was only there a month ago) and Malta (that's where I am from) Greece (I was in Crete in September) Ireland - I love the Irish and have a lot of great Irish Friends.  Brazil has popped up recently - I would love to visit there one day as I would Israel!
If you don't have a Feedjit Widget on your blog then just pop there and get one for FREE!  I love it.

Next, I would like to say "HI" to my followers on Twitter - I love to tweet when I can and I especially like to follow fellow Crochet minded Twitters who are currently sending in their Top Tips for Crochet for my new page, which I do hope that you will all enjoy!

Talking of Blog Pages - my Patterns For Sale  page is doing ever so well - I think that the Filofax Pattern is still on top but the Hearts Pattern is doing so well that it will be my best seller soon.

Now for my Poncho

I am loving it - I still want to add a few more rows

& I really like the colours that I have added in - thanks to Tweets suggesting that some random colour rows would look good and they do!

I also decided to do some DC in light cream and then in the deep green around the neckline to pick that area up too.

And remember it's made of 100% Merino Aran so it's a lovely weight and feels every so soft and scrummy!

I will probably finish this tonight - so watch this space.

If YOU want to make this ADULT sized poncho then you'll just have to pop back soon as I did write down how I started it somewhere and it was a combo of several days of searching the web. 
 I know that there are LOADS of Poncho Patterns out there, but to get one that you REALLY love you have to do it your way - make it personal and unique!

My husband said "Oh it is nice, but I can't see you wearing it."  
He's going to get a big surprise once the weather warms up a little
I am even planning a "Summer" one made from Cotton Tape! 

Finally I gave the proud parents to be the Baby Blanket that I made for them.  Baby is due next week and the mother to be (for the 4th time by the way) was telling me how she had misplaced the "family" baby blanket and can't find it for looking so their new Baby Blanket is ideal!
Once Baby is here I will get a photo of Baby in Blanket.


  1. Great work on the poncho. Looking forward to pattern

  2. What a lovely granny poncho. I'm behind on my granny a day challenge. Ugh who knew that one simple granny square a day could be so tough to make?

  3. Hi Sara and thanks! I finished it last night and will post pictures later on today. I still have my Granny A Day no. 26 to do today!! I am just thankful that I chose to make small ones!!


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!