Thursday 19 January 2012

Day #19 Granny A Day plus WIP update

 Granny A Day 19 has a vibrant red heart and a blue - navy blue frame
It reminds me that I must make a Red, White & Blue one to celebrate the Queens Jubilee this year

Here are all 19 squares joined together using the Join as you Go method (see Free Tutorials)

Now for my WIP

This is the baby blanket so far.
I have other 2 rows of:
Pink, Green, Yellow & Blue to go and it should be big enough to edge it

Another WIP is my Valentines hearts
I have been working on them for about a month now - writing up a pattern that works and that's easy to follow.

The pattern is being tested by a Twitter Friend at the moment
& as soon as it's ready I will make it available to you all
if there is enough interest.

Here are some Fuchsia ones 

And some small plain ones


  1. The Giant Granny is coming along nice. Love the hearts. I want to get making some as well. I've been slacking on my grannies.

  2. Don't worry - catching up on Grannies is easy to do!!


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!