Monday 16 January 2012

Day #16 Granny A Day - Two Crochet Disasters

These are the Valentines Hearts that I crocheted last night

I made the in Fuchsia as I didn't have any Red, but I will get some Red tomorrow.

I made Medium & Large

And trimmed them with White or Lilac

They could be sewed together and filled with toy stuffing to make a little cushion!

Disaster No. 1
I was making Granny A Day #16

When I came to the end of the row (row 4)

But with only 2 granny shells left to crochet, would I have enough wool?

The answer was NO
I ran out

However after a bit of searching I found a new ball of the same colour
and I had to accept it's kind offer to come to the rescue!!

So Granny A Day #16 was complete

And here (as much as possible) are all 16 squares so far

Oh yes, the 2nd disaster today was that I realised that all my Right Hand Basic Tutorials had the Left Hand photo's on them - sorry folks!

It's all sorted now.

I also discovered how to change the HTML codes for the other pages, so now only the main page has the side bar gadgets going up and down the sides.  I hope that this makes the other pages, especially the tutorial pages, easier to read.


  1. Your squares are beautiful! Thanks again for this great project!! Your valentine hearts are beautiful too!! And I love the color!! Purple is my fav. Who says all hearts have to be red!

  2. Thanks Tracey I am just experimenting with some smaller ones in lilac & fuchsia! I will post pics when they are done.


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!