Tuesday 10 January 2012

Day #10 Granny A Day + Giant Granny + Singer! (LOL don't worry it's not me about to sing)

I am going to start Day 10 with  a Giant Granny Square update

& here it is!

I am currently on row 38.

I try to add a row or two a night, although that's getting tougher time wise as the rows get bigger!

Now this is Granny Square 10

And here are all 10 Squares together as I am doing the "Join as you go method"
(see Free Tutorials if you want to learn this way of joining squares)

I am not too worried about blocking any of the squares as the blanket is going to be enormous once all 366 are joined together!

I went to the fabric shop on a whim today as I was passing by, so I stopped and picked up a remnant of cream fabric to line my large circular basket with.  I have been wanting to do this for some time as the wool occasionally snags on the wicker.

So out came my trusty Singer Sowing Machine - bought about 20 years ago from a Charity Shop for what I thought and still think was a bargain at £30 - and I got to work.

I roughly measured the diameter, cut out a circle of fabric after marking around the base with a marker & got hemming!


My basket is now lined & my wools are now nice and cosy and snag free!!


  1. Love the HUGE Granny. It looks great.

    I updated my blog with pictures. You can see them here at www.flossesandcrosses.blogspot.com

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. I too love the large granny. All the color changes would be awful without your join as you go technique for granny squares. Love that by the way.
    I too have been busy on this project - Total is 12 so I'm 1 ahead of schedule. Now my squares are going to be wonky because I'm using scraps. I have one square that uses 5 different colors.
    Thanks for hosting this challenge - it keeps me on my toes.
    My latest squares - pre-assembled: http://momwithahook.blogspot.com/2012/01/finished-object-friday-162012.html

  3. Love that huge blanket - should keep you warm whilst you crochet!


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!