Tuesday 3 January 2012

Another Filofax Cover!

You may remember my first Crochet Filofax Cover  back in October

Since then I also made a 2nd Cover  & I created the pattern for it which, I have sold successfully! Actually I can't believe how popular its been.

So there I was yesterday, the last day of the Festive Holidays, thinking "what am I going to crochet next?" 

I already had the 4 Granny Squares that I made for "join as you go along" in front of me and I suddenly thought 

So here it is!

I even made Granny Triangles for the tabs!

Here are all 3 covers

My Filofax has it's own Wardrobe!


  1. That's adorable! I love it


  2. OMG Those are wondeful!! My Domino totally needs a Granny square one...

  3. Hi Rori & thank you! Whose Domino?

  4. Never heard of a filofax but those are some sweet covers. I just might make my kindle a granny cover as well - maybe in a rainbow of colors.

  5. Sara - I thought Filofax were known globally! They are like diaries in posh ring binders and can cost up to and over £60 (about $100??) for a nice finish. Mine's a cheap one £20 and although I like the cover I love the Crochet Ones!!
    I started making one for my Kindle yesterday - I love my kindle but I am not sure how the cover will work out. Let me know how you get on with yours. Ali (p.s. Rainbow's Rule!!)

  6. Fabulous - so cosy looking. Perfect for the winter, just wakes me feel warm looking at it (and no, I haven't forgotten it's for a Filofax, I think maybe I'm just a bit weird) ;o)

  7. Thanks LJ It does look cosy I must admit!Kind of you to stop by and leave a comment.

  8. Soooo pretty! I HAVE to learn to crochet! What a good way of customising your filofax and not spending too much money! And your kindle cover is a great idea, I found a scratch on the screen of my kobo last night, I think I need to make a nice crocheted cover for it!

    1. Hi & thanks for your comment. It's a shame you don't live closer as I could teach you to Crochet! Hopefully you will find a class closer to where you live and get hooked. I think covers for things like a filofax and kindle (I still have to make one, too many other projects on the go) are great and when you crochet them they are totally unique too!


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!