Wednesday 2 November 2011

Tales from - Get Hooked - Crochet Classes for Beginners - Lesson #4

All I can really and truly say here, for all the work that my pupils brought into their classes today is a great big fat huge WOW!

My first pupil brought in these amazing Granny Squares - yes they are a simply plain square, but by using a multi colour wool some of the squares have the illusion of being made with colour changes!  Well done VM - all she has to do now is to decide the order in which the squares are joined and which method to use the join the squares!!

Next is work by JB - she not only made one but two mobile phone covers to practice working without a seem, as you would with a hat, but with a turning chain.....

She also bought some crochet cotton and made these fantastic pieces - as you can see, she's gone full steam ahead and done some colour changes without having been taught!

And last but by no means least is LW

LW brought these beautiful plain granny squares in to proudly show me and proud she should be!  They are in a beautiful pastel green, which may not show clearly on the photo and she will add some more pastel colours to these to create a blanket.

During the lesson we made a Treble Crochet round and she quickly picked up the logistics to how these are created.  Here is her class creation which she plans to add to at home after a trip the local craft shop to buy some more wool!

Well done to you all - you have all shown a true flair for crochet after only a few lessons!


  1. Well done to their teacher as well!

  2. Thanks Gwen - you are too kind x

  3. you are so good at this
    well done to the teacher
    Always following
    Come and say hi
    The Dolls Factory

  4. Hi The Dolls Factory,
    Thanks for your lovely, lovely comment - that means so much to me coming from someone involved in the fashion world.
    I love teaching crochet - I wish I had packed in my job and done this years ago!!
    I have just taken a look at your website FAB - it's like a different world! Thanks for stopping by & hope you visit again soon.


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!