Saturday 12 November 2011

More from Hooked! (Modeled by Pixie)

Yes I have been crocheting away as I only have 20 days, yes 20 days until the Craft fair !!  P-A-N-I-C There doesn't seem like there are enough hours in the day sometimes, what with Crochet classes, dog walks, house cleaning, ironing and the likes it feels like I should be crocheting in my sleep!

Anyway here's more to add to the Crochet Craft Fair stock....

One of the "Posy" flowers of a scarf , so there are now two in Cream and one in Red

A "ruffles" scarf in a soft beige - This is crocheted in 100% Merino and it's a bugger to work with as it's so soft, so you need  (A) very soft hands so that you don't snag the wool and (B) the patience of a Saint as its so slippery and you have to keep on correcting your hold on the wool!

This is the scarf previously featured (so not made this weekend) but it's now being modeled for me by my new model "Pixie" who I picked up today from Woking in Surrey thanks to a very very kindly TWITTER friend who gave this to me today - swapped for a bag of veggies from my allotment (see previous post)

And last but not least is another beanie hat in "Denim" a chunky Acrylic / Wool blend that crocheted up a little on the large side but with my husband close to hand, who is kind enough to lend me his head for fittings every now and then, I managed to size it down a little to make sure it was a snug fit

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