Tuesday 8 November 2011

Look what I have......

I can't begin to tell you how frustrating it was to NOT find any "crochet" logo's on "label" websites when it came to ordering some to sew into my Crochet Creations.  There were LOADS of KNITTING ones and SEWING ones but no CROCHET ones.

So I decided to get one custom made.  After searching high and low for a CROCHET type logo in a plain black and white finish, I finally found this picture of a ball of wool and a crochet hook (shock horror), however it wasn't quite right, so it had to be adapted and after emailing a very nice lady to see if the picture or logo could be adapted to go on a label (this was a nerve racking moment or two, I can tell you, this is what she came up with for me......

.....and I am THRILLED with the finished product.  They make my Crocheted Creations look more professional than they already are!

If you love these as much as I do then click on this link and get your order in!

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