Sunday 20 November 2011

Jar Jackets!

Some of them were trickier than others

As the mouth of the jar was a lot smaller than the body

So once the main body of the jar jacket had been crocheted

I had to keep the jacket on the jar and finish it off with a few decreases on the jar itself!!

The end result is FAB!

They are so colourful and I love them - I hope you like them too.
If you want to know how I made them then just send me a comment to let me know!


  1. So colorful! Looks like you are crocheting them right over the jars. Is that correct? Love 'em.

  2. Hi Sandie - I start the jackets off without the jar, just trying it out for size on every other row - it's only when I get to the last 1 or maybe 2 rows that I leave the jar on due to the mouth of the jar getting smaller and not wanting to Stretch the neck that I have just crocheted over the body. Hope that makes sense. Ali

  3. Hi Ali,
    Could you please send me he pattern becsuse I love those jar jackets! I would Love to made them for my little nefiuew, probably nog good spelling :-) .

    Love Anna

  4. Hi Anna, if you email me I will type the pattern out for you - Ali x


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!