Tuesday 15 November 2011

Finishing touches & 2 crochet classes later & a bear !!

Not in the order of the title......

Class 1 and CA presented me with this lovely cushion that she made from the pattern that we worked on together in last weeks class


Well done CA and good luck with the "Dahlia" pattern that we worked on today (see below) I am sure you will do fantastically well as you have done since starting the classes and thanks for your email which said "you are a good teacher" that's fantastic feedback to have.

Class 2 and CD conquered her fear of changing colours - she is making a blanket for her Mum who lives in Spain and this Cream and Dusky Pink combination looks great!

This is a Beanie that I made, well actually I made 2 of these, in "Seriously" chunky wool using a 15mm - yes a 15mm hook

It's come up really well and has a really soft feel to it
(sorry about the pictures being a bit wonky)

I also added some red buttons to the red fingerless gloves

And wooden buttons to the Cream fingerless gloves

Now this is the Dahlia that I worked on in class 1 with CA today - as she made hers (sorry no photo) in her blue/brown combo, I followed the pattern with her in a chunky orange and green - its' HUGE

The great thing about this Dahlia is that it uses "popcorn" stitches which CA has not used before & after the 1st one she soon had the hang of it.

Last but not least is Choc & Nut

I started Choccy yesterday and completed him today

Choccy because of the chocolate coloured body & nut because of the pistachio green bow!
Cute or what??

1 comment:

  1. Well done Ali - and well done pupils. Love the teddy.


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!