Sunday 27 November 2011

Craft Fair Mock Up

I thought I would do a mock up or dummy run of how my stall may look next week, so I have taken over the dining room and used a sheet as a cover - the only thing large enough I could find.

I realise that my table is probably deeper than the one I will get, but at least I have an idea of how thing may look once set up.

I also have a mirror on a stand that I will take with me so that people can see what the Hats and Scarves look like once on

I have priced everything up by way of little price banners on pins

And I have used old boxes at the back to create some height

Any comments and / or suggests & tips gratefully received - thanks for reading.


  1. Don't forget to sort your float out - you'll need a tin. In mine I normally have 1 x £20 note, 3+ x £10 notes, as many £5 notes as you can get hold of, ditto £1 coins. Consider the possibility that you may be commissioned to make stuff & decide what you're going to do about that. It's useful to have a little notebook in your tin also to write down addresses, etc. If this is something you think you might do more frequently, I would suggest going to Vistaprint and getting some business cards made up for future stalls. What are you going to wrap your sold things in? Are you going to give them to the purchaser in a carrier bag?. Lights on your stall is a good idea but I would only suggest looking into getting some if you're going to do stalls regularly. If it's an all day fair, don't forget to think about food and drink. Take something to do (in your case, probably more crochet!) as it can be extremely dull sitting behind a table all day. Try and resist buying things from everyone else's stalls - you'll eat into your profit that way! Good luck!

  2. I think it looks great, one of those stands you can easily lose yourself in as its laid out well, I hate it when you cant see the price on thing too so thats good! Love the little dogs too, the one on the right looks like Snoopy :D

  3. Mrs Jones!!! Spooky that I was wearing your Mille Fiori necklace today and you kindly reply to my post - thanks a million (or should I say Mille?? LOL) for the advice - you've obviously done this before and they are great tips! One that I love the most is "resist buying from everyone else..." I will!!

    Charlie - thank you so much for your positive feedback - I will make sure that everything is also priced up on the item itself so people can browse at their leisure. I love the little "snoopy" dog too - it is supposed to be my dog (a cocker) who's called Scooby :0)

    Thanks again Ladies - very kind to have such positive and constructive comments xxx

  4. Ali - I tried to order one of your beanie with earflaps hats off the website today but the paypal wouldn't work and rejected it. I'm after one in light green (maybe lime green?) - is that possible?

  5. Mrs Jones - thank you - I don't know why it didn't work - I have had a few orders via the paypal system so far - strange - why don't you email me your order to and let me know which type of wool (chunky, super chunky etc.) that you are after?? Or I could call you if you email me your number. Thanks again - Ali

  6. Mrs Jones - I sent you an email reply but it has bounced back to me - can you email me your number & I will call you?


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!