Tuesday 25 October 2011

Tales from - Get Hooked - Crochet Classes for Beginners - Lesson #2 & #3

Wow, is all I can say - I am so impressed with my pupils so far that I have to share their homework practice with you all and give you an update on what happens next in Lesson #2.

Lets start with LW who comes to individual tuition classes - in Lesson #1 she learnt the foundation chain, single crochet and double crochet.  Her homework was to work a double crochet block and she turned up with these pieces......

Don't they look FANTASTIC!! In lesson #2 she progressed to learning Treble Crochet and we even started on a plain Granny Square.  She went home armed with a plain Granny Square tutorial sheet (so she can learn to ready a pattern at the same time) and I am confident that she will come back next week with 3 or even 4 Granny Squares to show me!!

Group Class now and it's Lesson #3.  Last week they went away with the Plain Granny Tutorial sheet and one pupil brought in these.....

What can I say - Gold Star or what???  So this week Miss Gold Star went on to mastering the art of a plain flat round in double crochet - after a few attempts and turning out some rather nice hexagons, she got the counting right and made flat round!!

One of the other girls in the class also did VERY well on her Granny Square but hadn't quite got the concept of it all, so struggled a little, however by the end of this class, she became more familiar with (A) reading the pattern and (B) getting the 3 lots of trebles into the right chain space!!  I am sure that by the time she comes back next week she will have mastered it!  "The Penny will Drop" as the saying goes.

This is "C" working on her Granny Square.....

Another Lady "D" who is a week behind the others brought in these blocks - a great attempt for her first homework, although she didn't realise she was working into the front chain only of the previous round, not the  front & back chain (that's another lesson!!) However we have that sorted now.

This is "D" mastering the Treble Crochet stitch!

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