Saturday 29 October 2011

Filofax cover (finally)

I have been meaning to crochet a cover for my filofax for ages and to be honest, I did start one off some time ago; I just never got around to finishing it off, so at a loose end after finishing the Spiral Granny, I thought that I best get on with it - here  it is folks & needless to say I am thrilled with the end result!

The Cover

The back

The back (again)

The triangles to hold it inside

Another view of the inside

How it all started


  1. Hi!

    A fellow crochet and Filofax lover from Finland here! :)

    You've done some cool crochet work.

    I have a crochet business here in Finland, doily rugs and baskets are really big here at moment.

    If you're interested in seeing some pics (the blog is in Finnish), you can see them here: (crochet) and (Filofaxes and everything else, in English)

    See ya!

  2. Many thanks for your kind comment Liisa, I will take a look at your page!
    Ali :0)


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!