Saturday 3 April 2010

Easter Weekend

Look at that sky!  Hubby had taken me out for a little "country" drive to blow away the cobwebs, but after about 20 minutes, we saw these clouds so headed for home.
This picture is taken not far from home - it would take about 10 minutes to walk here. This area is known as Little Woodcote

So once home, I started back on the granny squares.  I did the Italian Cross, which I did attempt some time ago but gave up, due to lack of concentration probably, and the Primrose, which was very easy to do and very pretty.

 Then my little too good to be true Husband brought my dinner through - Halibut Moroccan style - and it was delicious I can tell you.  The sauce was a sweet chilli sauce and the fish was perfectly cooked.

 After devouring and savouring the delicious food, I continuted to make some more squares -
this one is the granny in a sqaure

And this one started off as a side to side (block) in the middle and then went on to a  round! It needs pinning out.

I then attempted the multi colour bobble block about 3 times.  I kept going wrong, even though I had the right amount of stitches!! I tried, tried and tried again.  Then I gave up!

I then found this block in one colour to do, so I chose Paprika and it worked!! I don't know why I can't do blocks, they always turn out odd shapes, I gain stitches unless I count religiouly, grow sides, loose sides and turn out all oddly shaped.  This one isn't too bad compared to some of them I have done. I think I will stick to the round and round and round ones from now on!

I am very tempted to start this top this weekend, but that would mean 2 projects on the go - should I or shouldn't I???


  1. I took delivery a couple of days ago of my own copy of the 200 crochet blocks book - my, there are some lovely things in there, aren't there? My eye was also drawn to the multicoloured bobble square but I thought it looked tricky!

    2 projects on the go? Hell, yeah!! Go for it.....

  2. Hey Mrs Jones! Oh you got "the" crochet book too - where did you find it? It's been a rare one to find for me and Maureen (who just got hers) They are ALL lovely and I must practice a few more "blocks" I don't know where I go wrong!
    Actually it will be 3 projects as I have the Granny Square Blanket & the Vintage Stripey Blanket on the go - will 3 projects be too much?

  3. 5 OR6 PROJECTS ON THE GO IS STILL FINE. Sorry caps. You are likely gaining stitches at the beginning of a row. It is easy done go back to the how to pages of wherever you learned or get a vid from youtube. You are VERY advanced for a beginner. really well done. I too taught myself and for that reason am not a good teacher. Let me know how you get on.

  4. Louise, you are too kind! I will look on YouTube and when my foot is better I will go to the wool shop with my hook and wool and get some advice from them. When I did my scarf, I did eventually get it, but I suppose it's just a matter of practice makes perfect!

  5. I have just crocheted the bobble striped square from the '200 block' book and loved doing it. I did it in just 2 colours, but can't wait to do the multi coloured one. I'm not looking forward to tidying all those loose ends though, 2 colours were bad enough.

  6. You can never have enough! I have three on the go..

  7. I got mine from Amazon, they've just got a new stock in.

  8. Well though I have learnt to crochet years ago I never actually learnt the name of all the stitches but with you lovely nimble fingereed ladies going on and on about your crotchet projects I got myself two books out of the library yesterday to teach myself finally the names of stitches so I one day can work accurately from a pattern.

    So continue to natter about all your projects as I hope it will continue to inspire me to stretch myself.

    Thanks gals :)♥


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!