Sunday 7 March 2010

A week later!

I spent Friday, a week since my last day at work, having a very active day! I cycled to the Garden Centre through the smallholdings, taking in the country air, sun shining the horses neighing and birds singing along the way

Once home I decided to cancel my hair appointment (shock horror) and go to the allotment instead
see for the rest of the epic about my 2 and a half hours of digging!

That left me pooped, and once home, I took the dogs Scooby & Perdie out of for their walk, had a Radox bath, cooked dinner and just sat in front of the telly fearing that I would be all achey and stiff tomorrow.  I didn't even have the energy to make even one Granny Square!!

However on Saturday, I got up, didn't feel any aches and pains, and got crocheting again!


As the Green or Pampas had arrived, I thought I better get some green squares done,
so here's one of them - difficulty = level 1

I felt as though I had enough Granny Squares to be getting on with, so out came the Crochet Squares Bible

And I got all excited at the thought of having 200 squares (well not quite as I have already made a few) to choose from!

So I gave the book to my husband and he chose Wisteria, difficulty = level 2

Next I chose this one which is called Lacy Wheel - it will need a bit of stretching or pining out
difficulty = level 1

And my final effort was the King Pin which is a level 3!!

I added the terrocotta edging to the flower petals myself, as I thought that it would make the flower stand out more, due to my colour combination.  I like the way this one has turned out!


  1. You're liking that book aren't you? You're doing really well!

  2. Ali they are all fabulous. Will you STOP flaunting that bloody book !!!! ha ha you big tease !! and hey guess what your comment appeared on my blog. xx

  3. I think you can make a round of single crochets (double crochets in England/Australia) on the Lacey square. Good job there, and the book is nice. I don't have that one... yet (? haha!)

    Ambar in Puerto Rico

  4. I agree with the terracotta edging to the flower piece, it certainly does match the flower and make it stand out more, you clever thing!


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!