Monday 22 March 2010

Not a good start to the week

Our little cocker spaniel Perdita, was a bit out of sorts this morning, off her food and walking funny, plus she was having trouble getting up one step, let alone the whole staircase to upstairs!

Perdie is on the left and Scooby is on the right

After a little while, I thought she might have pulled a muscle, so I felt her back legs gently in the hope that she would give me a sign, however I found a huge lump in her groin.

I immediately phoned the vets and have an appointment this afternoon, so I am fearing the worst.

I had a quick trip down the allotment ( to put in my first earlies with a little help from our allotment angel, but came straight back home after as I was so worried about her.  She's settled down now with her little pig, who you can see in the middle of the bed!

Now, I have to declare that as far as my crochet is concerned, I am stumped on the Willow!!

This is the Arcadia, which was easy &

The Marigold was a joy to make


The Willow, which is only a level 2 pattern, has me stumped.

I have tried and tried 2 times now, getting as far as the middle flower petals, but I only end up with 3 and not 4!!  I have checked and double checked that I have the right amount of chain spaces etc. to continue, but it's not to be!

Could there be an error in the pattern?

I will give it another go and come back to you


  1. Ooohh Ive been such a busy bee that I missed this post. The crochet looks fab as always, I'm sure you will get the pattern in the end.
    Your dogs are so beautiful, what lovely colour coats. I hope Perdie gets better soon, love her.
    M x

  2. Hi Mo, yes they are lovely dogs - Scooby Doo the blue roan is the eldest at 11 this year and Perdie is close behind and coming up to 9. We got Perdie to keep Scooby company when I went to work full time all those years ago! Perdie is improving daily thanks. x


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!