Wednesday 17 March 2010

It's me, I'm back!

Hello everyone, sorry I have not posted for a few days, but I can assure you that I have been busy.

Since the weekend I have made another good start at the allotment and I have been crocheting too!

I did spend a lot of time joining this weekend, as I am now on to 9 squares by 9 squares so I thought I better knuckle down and get that job done.

I have also ordered another book on Crochet Flowers & I went shopping - yes I know - shock horror, I actually got in a car, got driven to Croydon and physically went into M&S to spend some of my £135 worth of vouchers!

So, I have been a busy bee.....

I am now trying to make a few "blocks" as mentioned in my last post...

However I cant' resist the round and rounds...

Or the Granny's

and Granny's are so easy to whizz up....

However sometimes you need a challenge!

Or two

Or three

and they do say that variety is the spice of life!


  1. ALI, they are all fab I too love doing the granny squares and I also love doing squares using double crochet as it makes a lovely solid block and gives some stability to what could become a very stretchy throw (in my case anyway )I can't wait to get onto another project. M x


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!