Wednesday 24 March 2010


I didn't fancy making any squares yesterday as I had a busy day!  I spent 2 hours at the allotment getting rained on, brought home the last parsnip harvest, made parsnip soup, made a slow cooker chilli con carne even though it was hubby's turn to cook, but he had gone to play golf!!

I then had to go to Brownies, and on my return, I had to serve dinner!!  Hmmmm something has gone wrong here, but when I think about it, he will have to wait on me hand and foot for a few weeks to come - haha

Anyway I was pooped so I made some crochet flowers instead

The pattern was a little complicated at first, but it's a case of try, try & try again.

p.s. does anyone know what a double row is??  Do you repeat the same row again???


  1. Oh dear. I blame you. I sew, I knit, I cross stitch, I do needlepoint. My one attempt at crochet in the past was being taught by my grandma at aged 12 who, in her wisdom, tried to start me off with a lace doily. I took a peek at your blog this week and thought, wool. I might be able to do it with wool. So yesterday I tried. And I can. And I think I might be 'hooked'. And it's all your fault. lol!! So I now have a selection of yarn on order in various shades of lavender & cream with the intention of making an afghan for the spare room. When that gets finished! Hope doggy is feeling better!. LLxx.

  2. Sorry about that Lindyloodles, actually I am not, and I can't wait to see what you create!!!
    Doggy is improving thanks - slowy slowy but improving!x


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