Monday 29 March 2010

5 colours x 6 rows =

= alot of time!!

I have now crocheted 6 full rows:  a row to me is a block of all the colours so Fuschia, Yellow, Lilac, Green & Beige.

Each colour takes 20 minutes to do, so a row takes 100 minutes or an hour and 40 minutes.

That amounts to 600 minutes = 10 hours!!  It just looks like a very wide scarf at th moment!

I won't bore you with another photo!!  I am enjoying the simplicity of working in TC all the time as it doesn't take alot of concentration.


  1. Well time is what you certainly have a lot of at the moment so, crochet on. :)

  2. not sure where else to post this, but just in case you haven't come across them have a look at

    I have bought some knitting supplies from them in the past and the yarn is gorgeous. And as you need to be kept busy at the moment......

    Love the new look btw.xxLLxx


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!