Saturday 27 February 2010

It worked!

Do you remember this square (or the begining of one) from an earlier post.  I was worried, at the time about how the edges looked, as they did look a little scruffy.

However, as it happens.....

Once it was sown into the blanket, it worked out fine and now looks very neat!

The blanket is currently 8 squares by 6 squares and I have already got another 6 squares to join in!

Now for something totally different......

I came across these 100g (yes the big ones) balls of DK wool on Ebay.  They were on at a bargain price compared to that in the wool shop, so I snapped up a few balls in various shades.
Not too sure how the Sunflower Yellow will fit in!  Its more vibrant than the picture on ebay showed!

Anyway, I have made a start on a few squares and will post again one more are made.
This project is currently on hold as I really want to get the blanket finished first.


  1. Don't worry too much about the brightness of the wool - it always looks intense when you see a big concentrated ball of it, when you're working just a small amount of it, it'll be fine. And if it isn't you can always unravel it and then design something else around the colours. I've just done the same thing off eBay and got bright orange when I wanted a slightly more subtle shade but, no worries, it'll go with the hot fuschia pink that I also got (that I see you got too!)

  2. Gosh Ali, you are a natural. I can't believe how complicated these patterns look already, Might join you in the craft blogging community as well as my winter hobbies don't really get blogged at present, and it is so much fun to see what other people are making.

    Keep blogging, am really inspired to see your stuff.


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!