Saturday 22 February 2014

Hook Hook Hooray! Week 7

I took some amazing Crochet Classes this week

A mixture of Beginners & Improvers

Look at the difference that a hook size & yarn size makes!

The Green is Chunky Yarn with a 6.5mm hook,
The Red is DK with a 3.5 mm hook &
The white one is made from size 10 cotton and a 1.25mm hook

And this WAS a beginner, who's now an Improver - just look at the fantastic Granny Square blanket she's made

How can you not love and lust over the fantastic colours?

Here are a few of the makes from this week....

A Baby Cardigan in the making 

Some extremely fine lace work using a size 20 cotton & 0.6mm hook

And a lovely Crochet Case

A basket made from thick cotton yarn

A Chunky Granny Square Blanket

Working in the round

A gadget case with eyelash yarn edging - looks amazing

Practicing changing colour

Mini Granny Squares

A Crochet Hook Case

Refreshments of Tiffin to keep us going at Sparrow UK

Another Baby Blanket with edging completed

Join as you Go Granny Squares

The start of a Pom Hat which was a pattern written by me & printed in Inside Crochet Magazine

 A very colourful Granny Blanket - a good way to practice colour changes

And the last lesson of the week didn't disappoint me either - well none of them do at all, but when you get presented with this - it's a hard act to follow!

PD made the hearts Garland - a pattern that I wrote for a recent Inside Crochet magazine

She's also keeping up to date with her Triangles blanket

Isn't it so neat??

Plus she's making a granny row blanket which is in the most delicious colours

Here's the bunting again

And she's also making this Bolster, designed by Tracey Todhunter!

PD is totally addicted to Crochet

Aren't I just the luckiest Crochet Teacher around???

Saturday 15 February 2014

Week 6 - Hooky Anniversary!

CrOcHeT CeLeBrAtIoNs

I am celebrating my 1st year Anniversary on Monday 17th February with Course Craft who host my Online Crochet Course.
If you would like to win a FREE beginners course 1 (left or right handed - UK or US versions) then all you have to do is  Email ME the answer to the following question:

What is the stitch that is used in the video 
You will find this info by enrolling on my FREE course

Good Luck


Would you like a free Crochet Pattern? Well help Inside Crochet magazine celebrate it's 50th Issue Celebrations by popping over to their website and hooking a pattern that I designed!

Image (c) of Tailor Made Publishing.


If you don't have a wool winder (my best purchase of 2013) then you should click on this link


We have had storms here in the UK these last couple of days.

The bad news is that this tree has fallen across the line of our local Train Station

The good news is that the station closed on the 8th March 1966!


One of my lovely X pupils paid me a visit this week & brought around a HUGE box full of lovely crochet squares.  I went through every single one with genuine "ohhs" and "Ahhs" as they were all so lovely.

Here's a few of them to give you an idea of what I had the delight to go through.

EK has come on leaps and bounds since her last Crochet Workshop & has a GREAT eye for colour.

She's the lady that organises this wonderful Vintage Fair....

And I can't wait to take the Drop In Crochet Workshop on the day!

Oh I nearly forgot to tell you, she sold me this lovely Wool Swift.  It was made in 1942/3 from recycled pieces of wood.  I can't wait to get my first skein or hank of wool on it!

I went to the hairdressers this week & look at what they have on their little tables....

Wool & Button Tissue Boxes!!
I so want one of these.

My Improvers are all making Baby Cardigans this week - a project that I set them last week to improve their pattern reading skills

And KPK who comes for private lessons

Has made a pair of booties

To compliment her baby cardigan that she completed in previous lesson

We had to adapt the pattern we used in the book once we realised that we needed a smaller size.  We seem to be doing a lot of that in our lessons & it's great fun (plus a good learning curve!)

Now for Sparrow UK in Shaftesbury & over to my Improvers class there....

I love it when this class arrive we always have a great time looking at what they have been up too with their crochet hooks!

This is Crochet Hooks Unleashed!!

First is a pretty Crochet Hook Bag which will have a flower added & is fully lined with red polka dot fabric!

Next is a "trial" of colour combinations, which all look amazing to me & then we have this amazing bag which was started last week.  There was a slight delay with it's progress as there was a fault in the pattern!

And last but by no means least is the start of this "Plaid" blanket which is going to look amazing.

This is the Granny Square Blanket that Sarah the owner is making.  She loves to sneak in for extra tuition when she can!

 She always provides us with lots of refreshments, home made cake plus tea & coffee
However this week we had Thorntons Chocolates as it was Valentines day!

I was rather a little piglet and had one of each + a piece of cake


Here they all are hooking away

And as it was Valentines Day they all made hearts

They (a) learnt to improve on reading a pattern
(b) learnt to increase & decrease &
(c) learnt how to finish off invisibly! 

And finally.....
If you have an old vegetable rack that you are about to throw away


Recycle it as a wool rack! 

p.s. today is Day 46 so I have a few triangles to make to catch up!

Saturday 8 February 2014

Week 5 - How Hooky can you get?

Did you get your latest issue of Get Hooked on Crochet's Newsletter?

Just click on "Newsletter" to get your copy now & subscribe to future ones too!

Do you live in North Dorset?
Would you like to have a fun woolly day out with like minded people?
Then do get in touch.
Don'you just love this yarn?

It's 100% cotton as was bought by one of my pupils who went to Boston, America

I got my nails done this week by The Nail Workshop
I like to have my nails looking nice, especially when I am teaching as my nails are looked at a lot!

I have been keeping up to date with my 2014 Triangle a day blanket.
I shall be making 3 more today so that I am up to date until tomorrow which will be day 39.
I am not worried about the sticky out edges as they will all be "hidden" once another triangle is added & yes, I have a lot of tail ends to deal with.

I don't know about you but I am fed up of all the rain & mud

Two of my pupils bought me presents this week.

The Giant Blue 12mm hook came from CF who bought this from the internet for me & the bamboo handle hook came from the US thanks to SB

What a lucky Crochet Teacher I am!
I must have a count up of all the crochet hooks I own one day soon - how hooky can YOU get?

My "Crochet" book arrived from DK publishing this week.  It has my Baby Blanket patter & my Fish Garland pattern in it, however to my surprise, when I opened up a Crochet magazine, there was MY blanket advertising the book!!

And here are the Improvers who are all working hard on their Baby Cardigans
We decided last week, to do a Baby Cardigan project all together.  This week we made a start on the neckline & homework is to progress as much as possible.

Once this cardigan is made (it's fairly plain) we are going to all re design the bottom part e.g. they are all going to choose a stitch pattern to use & make it their own on the next one.

Considering this lady couldn't crochet 3 weeks ago, she's done a marvelous job of colour changes in a Granny Square.

And so has her Daughter too!

I did to go Sparrow UK this week but unfortunately I didn't take any photo's which is a shame as I really wanted to show you their brilliant homework.

If you remember, last week they learnt to JAYGo in Chunky (I always teach in Chunky) & their homework was to make 4 squares & JAYGo in dk as some of them had been asking about working in dk.  Well they all did a super marvelous job of it & I can only hope that they all bring back their lovely JAYGo work next week for a photographic session.
The workshop itself was as always, full of laughs and great banter.  I love teaching this group, in fact I love teaching ALL of my pupils!

Until next week

UK Version

US Version

Both books are also available on Kindle too!