Thursday 30 August 2012

GAD 243

Another Yarn / Wool Busting triumph

Beige with Salmon Pink, framed with a soft peach

GAD 243

Wednesday 29 August 2012

GAD 242

GAD 242 

is totally made of scraps of yarn / wool and a mixture of DK and Chunky too!
Noting is going to waste in this blanket

Tuesday 28 August 2012

GAD 241, Crochet Class & a new WIP

My new WIP

Lots of little flowers which will eventually be joined (as you go)

in 3 rows (deep)

each row getting longer and longer & then twisted Mobius style at the end

The only problem is that when I read the pattern I read "sock yarn" so out came my sitting there, unused ball, well, not unused but more of a "I have used most of it making a pair of socks ball of yarn" and now there's some left over and enough (I think) for this next WIP.

But I must go on to say that I didn't read the bit that says "each flower should measure 7cm"

When I got my ruler out mine measured 4.5cm, so I don't know what kind of sock wool / yarn the designer was using!!

I will just have to make more flowers to get the "finished" measurement and probably buy another ball of wool to finish it off!!
 So much for trying to use up unused balls!

Next is this hexagon that I made with one of my pupils in class today.

We are following a pattern that is for a floor rug which suggests using double strand super chunky

But for practice purposes to follow the pattern, we are using normal single strand DK

GAD started by unraveling this

Which eventually turned into this!

Errata is that I stated last night I said that my blanket was 12 by 16 squares when in fact its 15 by 16 squares &  my husband has worked out that at the end of the year I will have 5 squares too many!

What is a girl to do?? 

Monday 27 August 2012

GAD 240

GAD 240 means that I have a "square" blanket

Well it's not quite "square" it's actually a "rectangle" as it's 12 squares by 16 squares

I am so pleased with the way it's turning out!

I will have to make sure that I extend the 12 square row to "square" it up in the coming days

Sunday 26 August 2012

Infinity Scarf, GAD 237 (Friday) 238 (Saturday) & 239 (Sunday) + an AHHHHhhhhh Moment

I finally managed to complete my Infinity Scarf

After looking at a feature that I saw in Inside Crochet Magazine (See Issue 31 - July), You Tube and a message from Olga (thank you so much Olga)

So combined with all this information

I got the "twist" in my foundation change

A completed the scarf that I made for my friends birthday in September - I also made her some matching fingerless mittens to match too!

Now for GAD 237

GAD 238

And GAD 239

Only 127 more to go until the end of this year, 2012
Wow, it's going to be one HUGE blanket!

And now for the AHHHhhhhhh bit

Do you remember that I was making a Spiral Baby Blanket?

Please click on the link above to see some photos of the finished piece

Now here is Baby Seamus

The baby that I made the blanket for

Using the blanket!

Thursday 23 August 2012

GAD 236 - I saw blood today.....

.....not in the way that you think!

I gave blood today after work

I try to give blood as regularly as I can, in fact I already have my next appointment for the beginning of December booked in.

I am B+

I know that GAD 236 is not as imaginative a one as I made when I last gave blood back in February, but at least it's the right colour.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

GAD 235

GAD 236 is a grab yarn / wool job as I watch TV tonight 

Sorry! Nothing more than that to report today really, although saying that I am going to try my hand at making a Moebius / Infinity scarf for my friend for her birthday.

I am trying to find an "easy to follow" you tube video or pattern, so if you know of any then please let me know

Tuesday 21 August 2012

GAD 234 - Another Flower GAD

I made the yellow flower in class today
following another pattern with my crochet pupil from my Birthday Flower Book

I keep on forgetting to take pictures of her work,which really is very very good considering the pattern is written in US terms & I am not being too over enthusiastic in helping her to follow the pattern
This is to try to make her read and concentrate on the pattern herself, although I do of course help her when she gets really stuck

So same as last week, I used the flower that I made as the centerpiece for today's GAD &  I love how colourful and sunny it is.

Monday 20 August 2012

GAD 233

As I tried to get my car out of the drive to get to work this morning, I had this little problem!
Yes the Peacock from next door was using my car bodywork as a mirror - he does pop in quite often but never that early in the morning.

I had to shoo him away to get my car in reverse so that I could get out

And now for GAD 233
If I had thought more about it today, I would have made a "peacock" GAD
But I was too eager to use spare bits of wool up, so I made this GAD instead

I used the left over wool from my mittens and then chose Grey to border it with
Another Wool Using Up Success

Sunday 19 August 2012

GAD 232 - I can sing a Rainbow #3

Red and yellow and pink and green
Purple and orange and blue
I can sing a rainbow,
sing a rainbow,
sing a rainbow too

So today is the Purple & Orange & Blue

I changed from Orange to Blue half way through row 3, so as to give them both equal footing on the Granny Square today

Saturday 18 August 2012

GAD 231 - I can sing a rainbow #2

Red and yellow and pink and green

Purple and orange and blue
I can sing a rainbow,
sing a rainbow,
sing a rainbow too

Friday 17 August 2012

GAD 230 - I can sing a rainbow....

This happened by accident......

Red and yellow and pink and green
Purple and orange and blue
I can sing a rainbow,
sing a rainbow,
sing a rainbow too.

So today is the Red & Yellow

Tomorrow will be the Pink & Green

& Sunday will be the 

Purple & Orange & Blue

and then I can 


Thursday 16 August 2012

GAD 229 - Misfit!

GAD 229 is a total misfit of odds and ends of yarn / wool

that I scavenged from the bottom of my basket

I pulled out a little green, a bit more black, what I thought was enough yellow to finish off the last 2 rows but I decided to delve in again and pick out some orange to complete the square.

At the end of the day, this is what GAD was all about - using up odds and ends of wool / yarns so that they didn't sit languishing in a dark hole for years to come.

Ta - Dah!

Wednesday 15 August 2012

GAD 228 Ice Cream

GAD 228 reminds me of Ice Cream!

The center is a beige so a caramel or chocolate
Row 2 is Pistachio
Row 3 is obviously Strawberry 
and the outer layer is of course 

Catch you later as I am off to the freezer!

Tuesday 14 August 2012

GAD 227 Something a little floral

I made this in class today

A "wedding" flower from a pattern in the book that I got for my birthday.
My pupil wanted help with following a pattern and this is the pattern that she chose 
which was very brave of her as it involved working front and back loops
plus working behind the first set of petals of the initial rows

She did exceptionally well with her flower & at the end of the lesson we chose beads to finish the flower of with.

I might make some more of these but with the recommended finer cotton yarn and a thinner hook

It seemed a shame to waste it in as much as popping it into my basket of  "this is what I made one day in class"

So I decided to make GAD 227 

With my beaded flower as the centerpiece, so this is my first floral beaded GAD for 2012

Monday 13 August 2012

Baby Blanket, Mittens & GAD 226 - PHEW Crochet overload....

Yes, I am pleased to report that the Spiral Baby Blanket is finally finished - ahead of the pending "pop" I would like to add!

Here it is in its full glory

As you can see there is Baby Blue, Baby Pink, Baby Yellow & White swirling around in spirals of Granny Shells

Finished off with a Baby Green Border in scallops of Grannys

These colours work well really as the Mother to be is from the Philippines, so their flag is Red, Blue, White & Yellow and the Father to be is Irish so their that's the Green bit!

Do you see my thinking behind this?

Next is the mittens

During the Olympic Closing Ceremony I got a little bored, so I picked up a new ball of Aran Wool and a 5mm hook and I started to crochet a block / square / rectangular shape. 

I made sure that the chain that  I started with went around my wrist - 25 chains - and then I crocheted in Half Trebles until the block / square / rectangle got to just above my knuckles.

After that I didn't break off the wool - I simple joined the seams with a single crochet down the longest part, leaving a gap for the thumbs 
Tah Dah
I now have a pair of mittens which are wonderfully warm and cosy and will allow me to get on with various activities when it's cold enough to wear them e.g. stacking the chilled produce at work!

I had some left over Aran at the end of the ball so I made GAD 226 with it

Crochet Days in Dorset

Crochet Days in Dorset

Friday 28th & Saturday 29th September 2012.

I will be limiting the places to 4 persons per group (minimum of 2) so that you each get as much out of the time as possible.

On the Friday the Crochet Fun will start at 1pm, so you can arrive any time after 12 noon for a cup of tea/chat/catch up and the days activities will end at 5pm. 

I would then suggest that you go and check into your B&B’s (I will supply details of some B&B’s in the area as soon as you have confirmed your place) or if you live locally, return home for a freshen up if you want to & then we can all meet up at the local pub for 6.30 /7pm for a meal and a drink together.

On the Saturday the day will start at 10am. We will crochet until 1pm when lunch will be provided & after that we will all go on a local walk together, using the local trailway and visiting Shillingstone Station Project (you will be taken back in time when you see this place!) All this is just on the doorstep (literally) and a breath of fresh air will prepare us for the afternoon of Crochet which will end at 5pm.

So this is your chance to bring along that Crochet Pattern you are stuck on, work on that stitch that you can’t master or just learn something new from one of the many patterns available in one of my books! 

If there is any specific project that you want to learn, then just let me know e.g. “I want to learn to crochet a poncho” or “I want to learn how to follow a pattern or understand the symbols that I keep on seeing in pattern books” and we will cover each topic in turn.

Refreshments of Tea & Coffee, including cake and biscuits, plus lunch on the Saturday, will be included in the price of £ 85.00. 

Please email me or call me so that I can collate numbers. 

(please let me know if you have any special dietary requirements)

A deposit of £20 will be payable to secure you place & a booking form with full details and information will be sent to you.

The cost of any B&B / Evening Meals / Drinks will be payable by you, directly to the proprietor of the establishment.

Sunday 12 August 2012

GAD 224 (Saturday) & GAD 225 (Sunday)

Here are this weekends GAD's

Saturday's GAD is a variation of a typical granny square in as much as it's started off a a full circle in row one, then making more of a "solid" square to shape row two, 
swapping back to the traditional granny in rows 3 & 4

Sundays' GAD reminds me of the summer fruits that I stocked the shelves with at the Co-Op this morning
Strawberries, Raspberries, Cherries and Grapes!

Friday 10 August 2012

GAD 222 (Thursday) & GAD 223 (Friday)

GAD 222 is a rather non descript Baby Lime Green & Royal Blue number which is a GAD but not a very exciting one..... for some more exciting news!

My friend and neighbour who is in love with wood and wood turning and such like, made me this very gorgeously beautiful wool holder

You put your ball of wool on it and crochet away and the wool keeps on coming!  The clever thing is that the  holder weeble woobles so all eventualities of pulling at the wool just seems to "happen"
It' s the best thing since sliced bread!!
So if you want one let me know and I will get you a price.

Now for GAD 223

It's my Husband & I's  double anniversary today.

We met on the 10th August 1998
Married on the 10th August 2004

So today we are celebrating our 14th & 8th Anniversary's
Need I say more about the commemoration for GAD 223?
It speaks for itself I think

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Granny A Day 221

Even though I had a tough day today with work and house duties
I put a little more effort into today's GAD with 3 colour changes of Beige, Yellow and that lovely deep bottle green that I really would never tire off

My GAD blanket is so big now that it's draped over my sofa

I even get up off my backside to add the next GAD when I get to row 4

As the blanket is too big to haul onto my lap
& makes me feel very hot if I do!

Tuesday 7 August 2012

GAD 220 A Busy Day off!

The mobile Dog Groomer lady arrived at 8.30am

Then a friend came from London for a flying visit, so we took him to a local pub for a "ploughmans" lunch

Here is Scooby after his fur cut
Smart Doggy!

And I rescued a baby hedgehog that I found in the middle of my street - I picked him/ her up and put it under a bush of a grassy front garden in a house not far from mine 

So I had very little time left for GAD after all the other bits and bobs that were on my list of chores for my day off today

Hence the rather plain GAD 220