Sunday 23 January 2011

More Squares

Yes, the blanket consists of 64 squares so far and they are about 20cm in size.  I have just completed another row and another set of 3 which I am rather pleased with.....

I especially like this last one!

Saturday 15 January 2011

Fame At Last

This article was in Knit Today Magazine and was kindly sent to me by the lady also featured in this article, who also crocheted squares for this good cause.

They said that I knitted mine, but I will confirm now that all mine were crocheted - all 57 of them !

Monday 10 January 2011

Another Row Added.....

I have managed to crochet another 8 squares, well 9 actually, but I have added 8 to the blanket.  If you don't already know, this is being made for a good cause - the Saving Rare Breeds Raffle which will take place in June 2011 -

Please take a look at their website and if you can support this fantastic cause by buying some Raffle tickets once they become available.  Who knows this blanket, when it's finished, and it will be in time for the Raffle, could be yours and p.s. pass the link on to your friends too!!

This is my favourite square, as I finally managed to master the art of the bobble!

And some more squares from this latest row.

And some more....

Wednesday 5 January 2011

It's growing!!

Just to let you all know that i do a few squares here and there and when I can, and the blankets growing and on schedule for the Raffle Prize in June!!

I am loving the colours - are you?